inés bernal

Project 1          Project 2          Project 3          Project 4          Project 5          Project 6

👋 Hi!

I’m Inés Bernal and this is my portfolio 

Project 1

EXPLORING the future of CPR training

Academic Case Study — Design Roadmapping 

Team of 2

Fall 2023, 10 weeks


Laerdal Medical, a market leader in resuscitation training, tasked us with the challenge of redefining the future of the company. Our objective was to articulate our strategy through design roadmaps as they transition towards a servitization model. This venture required delving into user values, shaping business models, and outlining service features. Through this collaboration, we were able to envision the future landscape of CPR training and lifesaving education.

My Roles & Responsibilities

Trend Research

Conducted a deep dive into creative trend research, shifting through a top 10 listing of trends.

Identified user impact and strategic fit to inform our roadmap.

Decided on key user value drivers, crucial for our roadmap vision.

Mapping sessions

Defined a future vision during the value mapping session.

Decided on the time pacing, including intermediate points and endpoint during the idea mapping session.

Detailed all activities and constraints to be included in the final deliverable during the pathway mapping session.

Graphic Design

Translated strategic insights into visually compelling strategic and tactical roadmaps.

Ensured clear and impactful representation of our vision for each future horizon.

Outcome & Key Takeaways

We successfully translated Laerdal’s project requirements and strategic questions into cohesive design roadmaps, adapting the company to future industry changes while preserving its legacy.

  • Conversations with the client unveiled nuanced perspectives among employees regarding the company’s values and mission, and how the future should look like.
  • When expanding into new markets, recognizing the delicate balance between evolving as a company and maintaining rapport with existing customers is crucial.
  • As designers, we infuse our projects with our own values. In this case, our vision for the future involved connected communities and the democratization of healthcare knowledge, serving as a defining influence in our results.

Project 2

Revitalizing Mooncup: From Individual to Community Perspective

Academic Case Study — Design Strategy Project

Team of 5

Fall 2023, 4 weeks


In this speculative project, we strategically designed for Mooncup, a company that once stood as a game-changer in its industry. As a group, we challenged ourselves by selecting a single-product company in a now-saturated niche market that is often considered taboo. We undertook the challenge of repositioning Mooncup strategically to make it relevant and impactful once again.

My Roles & Responsibilities

Strategic Exploration and Problem Framing

Conducted in-depth research to identify critical challenges and opportunities within Mooncup’s industry.

Gathered users’ experiences via interviews and questionnaires.

Framed problems in a strategic context, and identified areas for intervention.

creation of new value proposition

Developed a new value proposition for Mooncup, aligning with the changing dynamics of the market and societal perceptions.

Articulated a collective vision that broadened the brand’s impact and made it relevant to a larger audience.


Utilized insights from strategic exploration to craft a compelling story around Mooncup’s role in addressing societal taboos.

Presented a novel narrative that resonated with the target audience, fostering empathy and understanding for Mooncup’s strategic shift.

Outcome & Key Takeaways

Our strategic design efforts for Mooncup went beyond addressing societal taboos surrounding menstruation. Shifting the conversation from an individual perspective to a collective point of view, we broadened the brand’s impact to encompass a larger audience. With the goal of fostering empathy for all, we presented the prototype of a platform named ‘Growing Pains’, designed to facilitate user interactions with uncomfortable yet inevitable situations.

  • Engaging in this speculative design allowed us to surpass conventional boundaries and think beyond the ordinary, addressing challenges with societal significance while preserving the company’s underlying values, rather than just focusing on designing a new product or service.
  • Navigating discussions and presentations, we recognized the weight and importance of tackling taboos in design. This experience reinforced the value of exploring uncomfortable topics, pushing boundaries, and emphasizing the human experience in strategic design.

Project 3

A Qualitative Exploration of Value-in-Use in Behavioral Change Interventions

Academic Case Study — Qualitative Research

Team of 2

Spring 2023, 16 weeks


Building on the research line of a faculty member, this project required designing and executing a qualitative research study. Within the umbrella topic of «Values in design processes for healthy lifestyles», our team focused on investigating the concept of «value-in-use», a term specific to design, in the field of behavioral change interventions.

My Roles & Responsibilities

Research Exploration and Question Formulation

Conducted exploratory research into designing for values.

Conducted in-depth research of academic literature on the topic of value-in-use.

Selected a research direction and crafted the guiding research questions.

Interview-Based Qualitative Research

Selected case study and recruited participants.

Prepared materials, including the interview guide.

Conducted semi-structured interviews with healthcare researchers.

Performed thematic analysis.

Academic Writing

Synthesized research results into an academic-style paper.

Communicated findings through a conference-style poster.

Outcome & Key Takeaways

The outcome of our research was detailed in an unpublished academic paper that addressed the research question: «How do healthcare researchers implicitly address value-in-use when designing interventions to promote physical activity?» This was complemented by an accompanying poster.

  • This project offered me the possibility to interact with other research fields from a design perspective. It was a great experience to get into contact with an actual multi-disciplinary research team, and the interaction through our interviews were invaluable both for the project outcome and for me personally.

Project 4

Who do I want to become as a Strategic Designer?

Academic Reflection — Strategic Value of Design


This project took place in a reflection course that enables the student to develop and argue an informed perspective on how design creates value for companies and society, and to formulate an individual positioning as a strategic designer. Moreover, it serves as a means to offer a more in-depth view into who I am beyond the results and limits of other projects.


Outcome & Key Takeaways

The outcome provides insight into my personal values and design philosophy. I want to embody a «here to help» attitude, emphasizing collaboration as I believe in the collective strength. The metaphor of a prism symbolizes my role—to synthesize tangible solutions, plans, strategies, or implementations by collecting diverse perspectives from individuals with various disciplines.

  • Looking back at the project, it was a challenge to position myself as a strategic designer at the very beginning of my master’s degree. Nevertheless, I believe the project provided me with valuable insights and tools for self-reflection. It made me realize that while I may not know how long the journey will take, I am certain about where I want to go.

Project 5

Web Design For The Ocean Spell,
A Surf Travel Agency

Professional Assignment — Digital Marketing


This project I undertook as a freelancer, and was part of a long-term collaboration with The Ocean Spell.

The Ocean Spell is a small company that organizes luxury surf travel. With a focus on the upper price segments, the company prides itself on personal customer contact and a high level of customization.

When I was hired by The Ocean Spell they had outgrown their capacity and asked me to streamline their processes to increase efficiency.

My most important task was to analyze how the service is structured and find ways to optimize it while retaining their personalized approach and company image.

My Roles & Responsibilities

Business Analysis

Organizing generative sessions with the team and performing a market research to spot opportunities.

Identifying differentiating brand standpoints to emphasize them during communications through all channels.

Creating a system map representing the information flow among stakeholders to detect time-consuming processes.

Concept development: web design

Drawing information from website analytics to understand traffic sources, most visited pages, and user behavior.

Analyzing website architecture to identify dead ends and unnecessary content that doesn’t add value.

Designing ideal user flow on the website for each service inquiry.


Restructuring web architecture to facilitate access to information and comply with user flows.

Implementing new features to speed up clients’ onboarding such as early segmentation.

Building new sections and pages on the website according to the insights from the research.

Outcome & Key Takeaways

The implementations significantly improved time management without compromising the customer-centric approach. Positive feedback indicated the success of changes such as increased information on inquiry forms, standardized customer follow-ups, and consistent content organization on the website. These modifications effectively reduced vague requests and nurtured warm leads.

  • These experiences highlight my ability to manage projects independently and adapt to diverse roles. Moving from marketing analysis to web design and client management reflects my versatile skill set—a valuable asset in my journey towards becoming a strategic designer.

Project 6

Design and Implementation of a Radio Transceiver

Graduation Thesis — Electronics Engineering


This technical design project served as my graduation project for my Electronics degree, providing a distinct aspect of my academic journey. Despite its deviation from other projects in this portfolio, the experience and skills gained during this internship and graduation assignment at TNO continue to be valuable. The project involved translating a functional description of a small, battery-powered, weatherproof radio system for outdoor testing scenarios into technical requirements, leading to the design and realization of a proof of concept.

My Roles & Responsibilities

Research and conceptualization

Conducted literature research, interacted with specialists, and investigated functional needs to inform the project’s technical scope.

Translated vague problem statements into technical requirements and devised a solution for client presentation.

Strategic Analysis and Decision Making

Explored and selected suitable products in an extensive market research, ensuring alignment with project requirements and goals.

Effectively facilitated communication of complex technical concepts to various stakeholders.

Prototyping and Implementation

Built, both digitally and physically, a working prototype, incorporating insights from research.

Validated the viability and functionality of the developed system through appropriate testing.

Outcome & Key Takeaways

The project exceeded expectations, delivering a functional first prototype and an extensive, well-documented report. This tangible solution not only showcases progress but also serves as a valuable demonstration within the broader context of a larger research program.

  • Leaving aside the technical aspect, this project also showcases transferable skills critical for a designer; such as the ability to navigate diverse technical fields, adapt to client’s limitations, and engage in prototyping processes.
  • The ability to move through different abstraction levels is key to designing effective hardware components. This holistic approach, rooted in systems thinking, is extendable into the broader design field.

inés bernal / Made with 🤍 in NL / 2023